Cashbook Bank Management Cash Receipt : Post transaction before printing.

Change the process of printing the cash receipt by allowing users to post the cash receipt prior to printing in order to update the cashbook before printing. User can later print the receipt anytime.

The other day my daughter was reading her first computer chapter about Smart Machines, and the summary of chapter was something like that
  1. Computer is very useful machine
  2. Computer can work very fast
  3. It has a very good memory.
  4. Computer don't make mistakes but humans can.
Computer is smart machine, but humans are smarter. And some smarter people were having advantage of a the flow of cashbook bank management cash receipt window ability to print the receipt before posting it.
But Smart consultant come up with smart solution for this smart theft :)
The situation was that the smart user steal the money by printing the cash receipt and before pressing POST button switch off the computer so there is no way to find the cash receipt has printed or not, and when they login back to GP there is a new transaction and no trail for the printed cash receipt.
So we provide a way to post the cash receipt first and then print it as many time as user like. :)

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